Makanda Township Government
Can you vote for our Makanda Township Democratic EXPECT BETTER candidates?
If you are a registered voter:
And you have voted before at one of the Makanda Township voting places, you certainly can vote for us.
Check your registration card to find your polling place, if it is Makanda, you can vote for us.
Check this website to find out your polling place according to the precinct you live in:
If you are still unsure, click this link and input your address to find out if you live within Makanda Township:
If you like in Makanda Village, YES you can vote for us, you will see the EXPECT BETTER Candidates' names in your ballot.
If you are not a registered voter:
You can still register to vote!
Ways to register to vote:
1. Register to vote online until March 21 at
2. Register to vote and VOTE at the same time at The Jackson Co. Courthouse through election date.
3. Register to Vote and VOTE at the Early Voting sites from 9 AM to 3 PM on the following dates:
First United Methodist Church (214 W Main St. Carbondale, IL on March 16, March 22 and April 1st.
SIU Student Center on March 18 and March 24.
If you have any questions about this information, feel free to call the Clerk and Recorder’s Office (618-687-7366).