Trustee Fred York
Committed to Expecting Better from Makanda Township
I moved to Carbondale in 1969, graduating from SIUC in Administrative Sciences in 1973. That fall, I went to Paris to help establish an accredited program for students who wanted to live and study in France.
In the fall of 1976, I moved to New Orleans to work in management for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana, heading a project to automate the claims adjudication process.
In 1984 I moved into Sales and Marketing, and in 1989 transferred to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois as a marketing executive, moving to Makanda in June of that year.
I have two children, Kendra York-Gaffney and Adam York, and both went to Unity Point and Carbondale High Schools.
In 2015 I retired to enjoy the pleasures of Makanda life with my wife Natalia, who is an Environmental Engineer for the state of Illinois.
When we aren’t gardening, fishing, hunting morels and wild mushrooms, we are hiking the trails, kayaking, canoeing, boating, and attending activities and sports at SIU.
One of our “pet peeves” is roadside trash. We can often be seen on McGuire Road or Poplar Camp Road picking up what thoughtless people threw out. Makanda has been very good to us and we are looking for ways to give back to our community.
Serving on the Township Board for one term, has been an eye opening experience, making clear the need for full transparency, accountability, stewardship for the people, and term limits at every level of government. Going forward, EXPECT BETTER, from me and the well vetted and qualified people who have stepped up to run with me for election on April 6, 2020.