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    Why Vote on April 6?


1.  The Makanda Township Board has been dominated and effectively controlled by the same individuals and family members with Republican affiliation for longer than most of us can remember.  Having dominant control of government by the same individuals with the same political philosophy for such an extended period undermines the principles of democracy and hinders tremendously the opportunity for new and creative ideas for the conduct of local governance in an effective and ethical manner.


2. The Democratic slate Expect Better from the Makanda Township Government has deep experience, creative ideas, enthusiasm and a commitment to adhere to facts and truthfulness.  This Democratic slate of candidates will bring a philosophy that is receptive to fresh ideas for Makanda Township governance that will enable you, the citizens and residents of Makanda Township, with greater control of your local government and an ethical and transparent allocation of its financial resources. 

3. If your answer to any of the below questions is no,

vote to elect our entire Democratic slate to change that:  


  • It is often said that local government is best because it's easier for people to know what's going on, do you know what's going on with your Makanda Township Government? 

  • Do you know the Highway Commissioner's plans for road repair & maintenance?

  • Do you know how much of Makanda tax dollars the Highway Commissioner has spent on unnecessary litigation?

  • Have you seen a township budget and how your taxes are going to be spent?

  • Do you know when and where Board meetings are being held?

  • Have you seen a copy of the Board minutes?

  • Have you seen a short- or long-term planning document?

  • Do you know how each Board member is voting?

  • Do you know any of the issues facing the Board?

  • Do you know of guidelines for the distribution of General Assistance? 

  • Do you know what General assistance is? 

  • Is the Board aware of or proposing to seek any applicable grants?

What We Propose and More Reasons to Vote for us: 

Create a much more robust and intuitive township website that makes Makanda township government records readily accessible on that website and at both fire stations and allows for resident feedback and communication. 

Publish on the website meeting announcements, meeting agendas, financial reports and the meeting minutes. 


Digitize meeting minutes, financial records, financial statements  and important township documentation 


Reach out and inform the residents of Makanda Township of critical and important issues, possible upcoming events and planned projects within the township that will affect the residents of the township.  Also, allow for citizen feedback and the opportunity for citizen communication to the Board. 


 Assess the level of efficiency and service of the Board and openly report the results to the people. 


Actively promote and make known to Makanda Township residents the "General Assistance" program so that its intended use as mandated under law, is carried out to those residents who qualify and who are disadvantaged and in need of critical financial  help to get them through times of adversity and hardship. 

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